Slung Word – Meaning, Definition, Sentences, Synonyms and Antonyms



Don’t know the correct meaning of Slung word? Here we mentioned the perfect definition of Slung word meaning in English, Hindi, Urdu, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Filipino, Arabic, Russian, Irish, Spanish, Indonesian, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam language. We will also share the simple example of “Slung word”. Here we have also mentioned the Slung word meaning according to the oxford vs Cambridge dictionary.

Slung word Definition

Word Slung
Word Length 5 Letters
Total Vowels 1 Letter
Total consonants 4 Letters
Slung meaning suspend or arrange (something), especially with a strap or straps, so that it hangs loosely in a particular position.
Word Type verb


Slung word Meaning

today wordle word meaning

Following is the translation of the Slung word in the multiple language-wise meaning given. You can check according to your comfortable language.

  1. Meaning in English: suspend or arrange (something), especially with a strap or straps, so that it hangs loosely in a particular position.
  2. Meaning in Hindi: लटका रखा
  3. Meaning in Urdu: گردن کے ذریعے ہاتھ کو سہارا دینے کی پٹی
  4. Meaning in Portuguese: lançar
  5. Meaning in French: en bandoulière
  6. Meaning in Japanese: 投げられた
  7. Meaning in Filipino: nakasampay
  8. Meaning in Arabic: متدلي
  9. Meaning in Russian: брошенный
  10. Meaning in Irish: Slung
  11. Meaning in Spanish: colgada
  12. Meaning in Indonesian: tersampir
  13. Meaning in Bengali: গুল্তি ছোড়া
  14. Meaning in Telugu: స్లాంగ్
  15. Meaning in Tamil: பொறி
  16. Meaning in Kannada: ಜೋಲಾಡಿದರು
  17. Meaning in Malayalam: ബന്ധിക്കുക

Slung word common Sentences

  1. She slung barbs at me.
  2. He stood up and slung his gun over his shoulder
  3. Sam was slung into jail for punching a cop.
  4. They were slung into prison.
  5. He slung his coat over his shoulder.

Slung: Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms Antonyms
  1. hang
  2. suspend
  3. string
  4. dangle
  5. swing
  6. drape
  1. destroy
  2. finish
  3. keep
  4. raze
  5. receive
  6. stop



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